Developmental Plan

SAKO website & On-line Election System


  • To give easier access/information to all members and non-members alike about our coop in a global scale through the World Wide Web.
  • To give way for Information Technology to rise against conventional practices.
  • To establish a strong IT for SAKO.
  • To innovate a cost-effective on-line election that is reliable, automated, user-friendly and comprehensive.

SAKO Motorcycle Loan


  • To fulfill the dreams of our members in acquiring/securing a motorcycle for business or leisure.
  • To help our members lessen their transportation expenses.
  • To give employment and increase our members' family income.


  • Member applicant must be at least three years regular member of SAKO.
  • Member applicant must have no outstanding balance on maxi loan.
  • Maximum amount of P75,000 per motorcycle with price quotation from the dealer.
  • Member applicant cannot avail more than one motorcycle. He/she can apply for another motorcycle loan when the previous loan is already paid.
  • This is salary deduction and member applicant must pass the 35% take home pay policy.
  • Member can choose which dealer and motorcycle he wants.
  • Member must have at least P10,000 fixed deposit.
  • The maximum term is three years.
  • Registration, Insurance and other licenses renewal will not be covered by SAKO.
  • This program is for the motorcycle unit only and any other additions such as body for tricycles and other add-ons will not be included.
  • The registered name of the unit is under the name of SAKO until such time that the said unit will be fully paid.
  • Payment issued will be through check under the name of the dealer and not the member at the billed price.

SAKO Gen. Merchandise - 7-Eleven Store Franchise


  • Product diversity.
  • To create an income generating program that is beneficial to the coop and its members.
  • To increase members' family income.
  • To generate employment and productivity of members' dependents.
  • To accommodate members' office and school supplies needs and other commodities.

SAKO Housing Equity Loan


  • To accommodate the housing needs of members.
  • To create a new loan window for housing equity purposes only.
  • To ease the burden of housing equity costs.